If you can’t stream Go3, there might be several reasons. Please check our suggestions and verify that all of the conditions are met:
- Have Go3 contract via our partners: Home3, Tele2, Bite
In this case, please contact with them to get more information about the status of your account.
- You canceled your subscription
First of all please check Under your account in the section „Subscription“ -> „Plan details“ if there is a displayed term of the agreement. If it’s ended, please choose a new plan and subscribe.
- You haven’t made the monthly payment
a) If you are making a bank transfer, please be sure that it is done successfully. Additionally, check if the bank details are correct:
Beneficiary: AS Go3 Baltics Latvian branch
Bank account no.: A/S Swedbank, LV39HABA0551026840379
b) If you use bank card details to pay the Go3 invoice, please be sure that you have/ had a positive and enough balance on your bank account and your card must be valid for an extra 30 days after the payment;
c) If you use direct debit and receive an invoice from your bank, please be sure, that you have not canceled it. Please contact with your bank.
- You have made that bank transfer correctly, but it is still in progress
There might be a situation in which you do not have a subscription but it looks as payment was made.
In this case, please send us the following information to our Customer support (make sure you are providing this information in a safe environment):
a) Bank payment transcription;
b) 4 last digits of your bank card number.
After an investigation that might take up to 3 working days, our Customer support will contact you with an answer
- Go3 app needs to be restarted
It may be enough to log out and log back into your Go3 account (restart the application) and the matter will be resolved.