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Eurosport availability

Eurosport TV channel signal is no longer supported by Samsung and LG TV’s manufactured at 2016 or earlier. From 2024 April on this channel you will see overlay image about it.

What has changed?
Channel provider has changed their technology which is not supporting older Samsung and LG TV versions. These are the Samsung TVs made in 2016.
Can I watch Eurosport on other devices?
Yes, you can still access all content with newer Samsung’s or LG’s on any other device of your choice which is described in minimum technical requirements here.
How can I know that my TV is too old?
You can check your TV manufacturing date in your user manual or contact your TV seller. However, general rule of thumb is if you see message on Eurosport channel saying your TV is too old – it means it is Samsung or LG made in 2016.
Are there any alternatives to watch?
We encourage users always using up to date Go3 applications in newest as possible devices all the time. If you do not have any other screen where to watch this channel you can always contact any of Go3 Television sellers to consult about official Go3 Android set-top-box (receiver/tunner) which will act for your TV as newest Android TV!
How can I watch content on different devices?
Please find a link here to all video instructions how to do so here Go3 palidziba

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