Here you will find quick overview what you can see in your account settings view
Please select tab that you are interested in and you will find explanation what is what and what you can do in each section.
To get access to “My account” please go to the Go3 home page and on the top of the right corner press on the human icon Ieiet.
To log in, add your e-mail address and password or if you are the new customer, start with the choice of subscription here GO3 and follow the registration steps.
1.Subscriptions tab
Here you will see your email address and phone number provided. As well here you can make main changes for your subscription, please find list below what you can do in this tab

Enter your phone number without prefix of your country and subscription password, in new window enter short code received by SMS to finish verification
2.Plan details:
In plan details you will be able to see your current plan, change it or cancel it as well check your rented content, click on “Manage subscription”

Please beer in mind that upgrade changes are live immediately after you save the changes but if you would like to downgrade your plan, that the changes will takes effect after end of the previous payment period.
Additionally here you are able to add add-ons (additional channels).
– Change payment method: if you have Go3 contract without the specific term of use, then here you are able to changed your debit card or pay-pal account. Bind new payment method by entering new card or account of your bank
If you have Go3 24 month period contract then you are able to choose payment type from bank transfer, payment in the Go3 platform or card payments.
– Billing details: want to see your transaction history when you paid what and when next payment will happen? This is the place for it. Here you will find all history for Date, method and amount of payments made before
– Voucher: Received voucher? Lucky! Enter it‘s code here and enjoy Go3 with discount!
3.My profile:
Here is visible your connected devices information and possibility to add new one. Remember – in parallel you can watch content from 2 devices (+1 if you have android set-top-box)